NewDeal Hot Tip 1501

[Hot Tips for...] General Use

NewDeal Character Set

NewDeal supports 222 characters, though some fonts may not contain all of them.

If you create a .CSV file containing each ASCII value from 32 to 255 and then import it to NewCalc or NewFile, you'll see that each ASCII value imports as the character listed in the chart below (except for comma, quote, and single apostrophe, which have special meanings in a CSV file).

The characters marked with an asterisk are NOT supported in Text File Editor. Note also that some fonts use different characters than those listed, like URW SymbolPS and Ping Pong (as a further example, Sather Gothic substitutes ligatures fl and fi for characters 222 and 223). The characters below represent the typical set for most fonts.

If NewDeal is not importing characters in your database as you expect, it probably means that the software you are using to generate the database is using ASCII values to represent different characters than does NewDeal. If so, this chart will help you figure out how to change your database with a search/replace function to work around the difficulty.

NewDeal Character List

32  space  Spacebar
33  exclamation point  !
34  quotation mark  "
35  number  #
36  dollar  $
37  percent  %
38  ampersand  &
39  apostrophe  '
40  open parenthesis  (
41  close parenthesis  )
42  asterisk  *
43  plus  +
44  comma  ,
45  hyphen  -
46  period  .
47  forward slash  /
48  zero  0
49  one  1
50  two  2
51  three  3
52  four  4
53  five  5
54  six  6
55  seven  7
56  eight  8
57  nine  9
58  colon  :
59  semi-colon  ;
60  less than  <
61  equals  =
62  greater than  >
63  question mark  ?
64  at  @
65  A  A
66  B  B
67  C  C
68  D  D
69  E  E
70  F  F
71  G  G
72  H  H
73  I  I
74  J  J
75  K  K
76  L  L
77  M  M
78  N  N
79  O  O
80  P  P
81  Q  Q
82  R  R
83  S  S
84  T  T
85  U  U
86  V  V
87  W  W
88  X  X
89  Y  Y
90  Z  Z
91  open square bracket  [
92  backslash  \
93  close square bracket  ]
94  caret  ^
95  underscore  _
96  grave accent  `
97  a  a
98  b  b
99  c  c
100  d  d
101  e  e
102  f  f
103  g  g
104  h  h
105  i  i
106  j  j
107  k  k
108  l  l
109  m  m
110  n  n
111  o  o
112  p  p
113  q  q
114  r  r
115  s  s
116  t  t
117  u  u
118  v  v
119  w  w
120  x  x
121  y  y
122  z  z
123  open curly bracket  {
124  vertical bar  | (Shift-backslash)
125  close curly bracket  }
126  tilde  (tilde)
127*  (not used)
128  A with dieresis accent  Ctrl+Alt+u then A
129  A with ring accent  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+A
130  C with cedilla  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+c
131  E with acute accent  Ctrl+Alt+e then E
132  N with tilde accent  Ctrl+Alt+n then N
133  O with dieresis accent  Ctrl+Alt+u then O
134  U with dieresis accent  Ctrl+Alt+u then U
135  a with acute accent  Ctrl+Alt+e then a
136  a with grave accent  Ctrl+Alt+` then a
137  a with circumflex accent  Ctrl+Alt+i then a
138  a with dieresis accent  Ctrl+Alt+u then a
139*  a with tilde accent  Ctrl+Alt+n then a
140  a with ring accent  Ctrl+Alt+a
141  c with cedilla accent  Ctrl+Alt+c
142  e  with acute accent  Ctrl+Alt+e then e
143  e with grave accent  Ctrl+Alt+` then e
144  e with circumflex accent  Ctrl+Alt+i then e
145  e with dieresis accent  Ctrl+Alt+u then e
146  i with acute accent  Ctrl+Alt+e then i
147  i with grave accent  Ctrl+Alt+` then i
148  i with circumflex accent  Ctrl+Alt+i then i
149  i with dieresis accent  Ctrl+Alt+u then i
150  n with tilde accent  Ctrl+Alt+n then n
151  o with acute accent  Ctrl+Alt+e then o
152  o with grave accent  Ctrl+Alt+` then o
153  o with circumflex  Ctrl+Alt+i then o
154  o with dieresis accent  Ctrl+Alt+u then o
155*  o with tilde accent  Ctrl+Alt+n then o
156  u with acute accent  Ctrl+Alt+e then u
157  u with grave accent  Ctrl+Alt+` then u
158  u with circumflex accent  Ctrl+Alt+i then u
159  u with dieresi accent  Ctrl+Alt+u then u
160*  dagger  Ctrl+Alt+t
161  degree  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+8
162  cent  Ctrl+Alt+4
163  pound sterling  Ctrl+Alt+3
164*  section  Ctrl+Alt+6
165  bullet  Ctrl+Alt+8
166*  paragraph  Ctrl+Alt+7
167  German double s  Ctrl+Alt+s
168*  registered trademark  Ctrl+Alt+r
169*  copyright  Ctrl+Alt+g
170*  trademark  Ctrl+Alt+2
171*  acute accent  Ctrl+Alt+e then Spacebar
172*  dieresis accent  Ctrl+Alt+u then Spacebar
173*  not equal  Ctrl+Alt+=
174  AE diphthong  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+' (apostrophe)
175*  O with slash  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+o
176  infinity  Ctrl+Alt+5
177  plus or minus  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+=
178  less than or equal  Ctrl+Alt+, (comma)
179  greater than or equal  Ctrl+Alt+. (period)
180  yen  Ctrl+Alt+y
181  mu  Ctrl+Alt+m
182  delta  Ctrl+Alt+d
183  Sigma  Ctrl+Alt+w
184*  Pi  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+p
185  pi  Ctrl+Alt+p
186  integral  Ctrl+Alt+b
187  ordfeminine  Ctrl+Alt+9
188  ordmasculine  Ctrl+Alt+0 (zero)
189  Omega  Ctrl+Alt+z
190  ae diphthong  Ctrl+Alt+' (apostrophe)
191*  o with slash  Ctrl+Alt+o
192  upside down question mark  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+/
193  upside down exclamation pt  Ctrl+Alt+1
194*  logical not  Ctrl+Alt+l (L)
195  radical  Ctrl+Alt+v
196  florin  Ctrl+Alt+f
197  approximately equal  Ctrl+Alt+x
198*  Delta  Ctrl+Alt+j
199  open guillemet  Ctrl+Alt+\
200  close guillemet  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+\
201*  ellipsis  Ctrl+Alt+; (semi-colon)
202*  non-breaking space  Alt+Spacebar
203*  A with grave accent  Ctrl+Alt+` then A
204*  A with tilde  Ctrl+Alt+n then A
205*  O with tilde  Ctrl+Alt+n then O
206*  OE diphthong  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+q
207*  oe diphthong  Ctrl+Alt+q
208*  en dash  Ctrl+Alt+- (hyphen)
209*  em dash  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+- (hyphen)
210*  open quotes  Ctrl+Alt+[ (bracket)
211*  close quotes  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+[ (bracket)
212*  open single quote  Ctrl+Alt+] (bracket)
213*  close single quote  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+] (bracket)
214  division  Ctrl+Alt+/
215*  lozenge  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+v
216  y with dieresis accent  Ctrl+Alt+u then y
217*  Y with dieresis accent  Ctrl+Alt+u then Y
218*  fraction  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+3
219*  general currency  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+4
220*  open single guillemet  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+< (less than)
221*  close single guillemet  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+> (grtr than)
222*  y with acute accent  Ctrl+Alt+e then y
223*  Y with acute accent  Ctrl+Alt+e hen Y
224*  double dagger  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+t
225  centered period  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+0 (zero)
226*  single quote low  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+l (L)
227*  double quote low  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+; (semicolon)
228*  per thousand  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+5
229*  A with circumflex accent  Ctrl+Alt+i then A
230*  E with circumflex accent  Ctrl+Alt+i then E
231*  A with acute accent  Ctrl+Alt+e then A
232*  E with dieresis accent  Ctrl+Alt+u then E
233*  E with grave accent  Ctrl+Alt+` then E
234*  I with acute accent  Ctrl+Alt+e then I
235*  I with circumflex accent  Ctrl+Alt+i then I
236*  I with dieresis accent  Ctrl+Alt+u then I
237*  I with grave accent  Ctrl+Alt+` then I
238*  O with acute accent  Ctrl+Alt+e then O
239*  O with circumflex accent  Ctrl+Alt+i then O
240*  not used in GEOS
241*  O with grave accent  Ctrl+Alt+` then O
242*  U with acute accent  Ctrl+Alt+e then U
243*  U with circumflex accent  Ctrl+Alt+i then U
244*  U with grave accent  Ctrl+Alt+` then U
245*  dotless i  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+i
246*  circumflex  Ctrl+Alt+i then Spacebar
247*  tilde  Ctrl+Alt+n then Spacebar
248*  macron  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+w
249*  breve accent  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+z
250*  dot accent  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+d
251*  ring accent  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+r
252*  cedilla  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+e
253*  Hungarian umlaut  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+u
254*  ogonek  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+y
255*  caron  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+s

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Last Modified 2 Mar 1999